you wonder who?—I’ll tell you why.
I hope this finds you well.
Making it this far means one of two things: you found the content on my site compelling and you want to learn more, or you were completely outraged by the rubbish you consumed and you want to see who the individual responsible is.
Either way, you’re in the right place.
My name is Josh Nathan Jr. and I fell in love with art many moons ago. When I was a kid I really wanted to be understood. I would get in trouble in class for talking out of turn and performing physical comedy—I craved an audience for the designs of my imagination.
As I grew older, I learned to appreciate the audience within. I found catharsis in art. First, it was illustration, then poetry, narratives, music, photography, graphic design, and then filmmaking. Each art form deepened my understanding of the ones that preceded it. Over time, I realized I wasn’t just developing my artistic skills but also my ability to empathize. It started within and found its way outward.
When it was time for college, I decided to major in Electronic Media and Film and minor in Creative Writing. In retrospect, this seems like it would’ve been a natural choice, but at the time I was overcome with doubt. Regardless, I pushed forward and steadied the course.
My coursework instilled the principle of approaching audiences with care, respect, and novelty in me. Those lessons impact my daily decisions as a Filmmaker, Digital Marketing Strategist, and UX Writer. If you respect your audience, they will trust you—and if they trust you, they will be loyal.
It’s funny—my creative methodology follows the approach I stumbled upon many moons ago, starting from within and journeying outward.
Josh Nathan Jr.